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Responsibility in Relationship: Strengthening Connections with Boundaries and Care - Free Virtual Meetup

Navigating relationships can be challenging, especially when those we care about act in ways we don’t like or agree with. How do we stay responsible for ourselves and to others to keep our connections a source of joy and learning? In this session, Anne will teach a simple framework to help you understand and establish healthy relational boundaries. You’ll gain awareness of subtle ways you might be sabotaging your connections and identify small actions to create more satisfying and meaningful interactions. Register now to start strengthening your connections with boundaries and care.

LifeResults in Action sessions are open to all. Please join us no matter where you are on your journey!

Based on these LifeResults Tools: Trust Formula, Responsibility Square

Led by guest speaker Anne Lafleur

Please pre-register and join us!

LifeResults In Action (LRIA) is a monthly virtual gathering open to all. Each session includes a centering (guided meditation), lecturette on one or more tools, and group discussion. Many sessions also include one-on-one connections in breakout rooms.